
Project Details


Peace building and social cohesion .

Sub national conflicts in South Sudan have become more rampant and more violent with a rising number of deaths and displacement of communities .Rival groups in Jonglei State have a long history of raiding each another's cattle, and arming themselves to defend against such raids. Recent years have seen an increasing sophistication in the retaliatory cattle raids, with the use of more man power and modern weapons . During these conflicts ,grave human rights violations occur including child abductions, sexual violence against girls and women and forced recruitment of children into the armed groups. We at CIDO believe that the benchmark for socio-economic development of any nation is peace among communities and peace with their neighbours . There is also the aspect of revenge killings among communities and use of blood usually girl child as compensation. CIDO is currently working with women forums and peace committees through cross-border community dialogues and disseminate community action plans for peace and social cohesion in 5 counties of Dinka Lou- Nuer and Murle communities and among communities living at the border of South Sudan and Ethiopia . Through similar engagements and implementation of peace agreements, communities living in Bor, Akobo, Pibor , Nyirol and Uror counties identify sustainable solutions to cattle theft, child abductions, revenge killings and resource -based conflicts.

Our Current Partners. Image-Givest

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